Deilor is once again taking its pumpkins to schools in the Region of Murcia on Halloween to promote the consumption of vegetables among children.
Once again this year, the Deilor team has joined the Love Butternut campaign for Halloween. In this year’s competition, children compete with their terrifying pumpkin to win tickets to Warner Park as part of a campaign that aims to promote zero waste and healthy lifestyle habits among children.
A week ago, Deilor delivered pumpkins to two schools in the Region of Murcia, Colegio Reina Sofía in Totana, and Colegio Juan Navarro in La Hoya. A week later, we have travelled to talk to the children about the consumption of vegetables and to see what a great job they have done decorating the pumpkins that they will later take home to eat. At Deilor we are delighted to be able to participate in such fun and necessary initiatives to share the importance of healthy lifestyle habits among children.