Last Monday, March 20, we appeared in “Diario de Campo” on 7TV. This program was dedicated to Bimi® and it discussed its process of planting, harvesting and making.
They accompanied our farmers in the field work where they recorded the Bimi® harvesting process. They were with one of our Bimi collection crews made up of about 20 people out of the 200 dedicated to collecting this product.
During the program, they discussed the necessary rights to have Bimi® plantations ceded by Sakata, the producer of the seed. It was also shown how it is transported from the field to the warehouse and the processes that are carried out so that the product arrives in good condition. Deilor collects approximately 2 million kilos of Bimi® per campaign, which is why we are experts in its conservation.
In the manufacturing process, all the control to which the Bimi® is subjected was explained, since the weight, length, diameter, labeling and stems are checked every 20 minutes.
We are grateful for showing the great product that is Bimi® and its production in Deilor. We encourage you to see the full program at: